If no one gets a majority of the electoral votes, the House of Representatives is tasked with picking the president from among the three top vote-getters. The delegation from each state gets a single vote and a majority of those votes, 26, is necessary to win.
The Senate is required to pick the vice president from the two candidates who got the most electoral votes. Each senator gets a vote.
If the House can’t break the tie before the end of the presidential term, then the person elected vice president will act as president until the House can break their deadlock.
Zona Dinamo je Forum na kojem se okupljaju navijači i simpatizeri Dinama, te na jednom mjestu raspravljaju i informiraju se o klubu i svim ostalim stvarima koje imaju poveznicu s našim klubom. Ostali su dobrodošli kao gosti i u skladu s tim trebaju se i ponašati.