Pustio Petkovića u repku — NORTE
Neka me ispravi netko ako nisam u pravu ali nije li da klubovi moraju pustiti igrače u reprezentaciju? — Zagi
Annexe 1 of the 'Regulations on the Status and Transfer of Players' lays out 11 principles for managing the issue of national team call-ups.
Principle 1.1. says: "Clubs are obliged to release their registered players to the representative teams of the country for which the player is eligible to play on the basis of his nationality if they are called up by the association concerned. Any agreement between a player and a club to the contrary is prohibited."
Odgovorio Zagiju pa i tebi jer je ista stvar. Klub je nemoćan što se ovome igralo za familiju protiv nemam pojma koga. — Captain America
Zona Dinamo je Forum na kojem se okupljaju navijači i simpatizeri Dinama, te na jednom mjestu raspravljaju i informiraju se o klubu i svim ostalim stvarima koje imaju poveznicu s našim klubom. Ostali su dobrodošli kao gosti i u skladu s tim trebaju se i ponašati.