• Markelo
    Valjda ce jednom i kutevi sjevera dolje biti popunjenji. I had a dream
  • Papastrumf
    Kutevi sjevera nikad vise nece biti popunjeni. Nije to vise 05/06 pa da se na sjever dolje nagura 8.000 ljudi bez obzira sto su imali karte za sjever gore.
    Sad kad se i rasproda sjever dolje, svi se po obicaju naguraju u sredinu pa rubovi ostanu prazni.
  • BluePhone67
    Valjda ce jednom i kutevi sjevera dolje biti popunjenji. I had a dreamMarkelo

    Moras uzeti u obzir da boysi se zgusnu u redove, pa ponekad umjesto da troje ljudi sjede/stoje na tri mjesta za koje su platili kartu budu na dva i tu ispadne rupa. Da sutra rasprodaju cijeli donji dio sjevera, bit ce rupa po kutevima uvijek.
  • xavier
    Kako su napisali @Papastrumf i @BluePhone67, ne znam kako bi kutevi mogli biti popunjeni kad u prodaju ide karata koliko ima mjesta, a ljudi se (logično) stisnu u sredinu.
  • deda
    Ne znam da li je itko spomenuo da mladi igraju od 15.00h. Nije loša satnica početka, moglo bi se pogledati obje tekme.
  • kjbz
    Pitanje, cijena ulaznica za gostujuće navijače mora biti ekvivalentna najnižoj cijeni ulaznica za domaće navijače? Ili to nije slučaj u ligi prvaka?
  • xavier

    Tako je. Cijena ne smije biti veća od najniže za domaće navijače i UEFA je uvela i dodatni kriterij od 70 eura. Znači ako je najniža cijena za domaće navijače veća od 70 eura, cijena za gostujuće je onda 70.
  • deda
    100 ljudi je već u redu za ulaznice.
  • platini
    Jebote nisam znao da je Istra takav mamac za gledatelje
  • Mali dioničar
    How to beat Manchester City...

    Author: Rafa Benitez

    Manchester City were an unbelievable team when our Newcastle side beat them in January — and they still are.

    As a club, they have a clear idea about what they want to do. They have the money to achieve it and a manager in Pep Guardiola whose philosophy is the same; they work together. Are their transfer targets expensive sometimes? Yes, but they look for the best players for their team, rather than simply the best players in the world. There is a difference.

    That game at St James’ Park eight months ago was the last time City have lost in the Premier League, which illustrates just how good they are. There is no single way to play against them or to beat them — if there was, everybody would do it! — and there are too many variables to explain in a column, but the key for us was to have a clear game plan and for everybody to understand it and to agree with it.

    The real challenge you face against City is not just how skilful they are. It is also about how adaptable they can be. They can play with really wide wingers and with pace. They have the speed to run behind defenders and, one-on-one, they can beat players. That means you have to adjust. At the same time, they can play with one striker or two, and that influences how you have to defend.

    City like to play with a lot of people between the lines, behind your midfielders, and they link with them and play passes in short spaces. They are very precise. To avoid that, you have to be very narrow, but because they have such talent in wide areas, you also have to cover those players. That is the difficulty in playing against this special team.

    If you regain the ball, normally you will be very deep, so if you try to play short, because they’re so good at pressing, they will take possession high and immediately be very dangerous because your team is disorganised. If you try to play long, you will be too far away from your striker.

    You also have to be realistic. If they have a good day — and most of their days are good days — then they will have chances and normally, they will score goals.

    When Newcastle were at the Etihad Stadium last September, we played with five at the back. We conceded an early goal to Raheem Sterling, equalised through DeAndre Yedlin and, at 1-1, we were doing well. We were a threat on the counterattack. In the second half, we conceded again, and then had to change to four at back. We were exposed all the time. Every attack, every counterattack, we were left more open — we didn’t have the support to cover for each player.

    When it was time to play them again, it was clear we had to play five at the back. If you want some success against City, you have to attack them. Our idea was not a 5-4-1, but a 3-4-3 when we regained the ball (see Newcastle average position map, first graphic below, and City, second graphic).

    Can you do it against them? Yes, but less than against other teams. Why? Because you have less possession and they are very good at pressing when they give the ball away. If you can avoid that pressing, you can run behind and be a threat.


    It’s easy to say it but it’s much less easy to do. At St James’ Park, we conceded to Sergio Aguero inside the first minute but stuck to our game plan. When I think back to Liverpool and the Champions League final in 2005, we didn’t expect AC Milan to score so early, but they did, and so you have to react.


    The main thing against a team like City is to stay in the game for as long as possible.

    People said about Newcastle, ‘Oh, you don’t win against the top sides’ but we came very close. And if you stay in the game, it means your players will continue to compete with the belief that you can get a result. If you do that, the fans will stay behind you. Everybody has to be at 100 percent: the manager, the staff, the players — the kitman and the crowd, too. You also need some luck.

    If the other team has 75-80 percent possession, it means they’re on top of you all the time, but it also means you have space behind their defenders. You have to try to exploit that. But it depends on the players you have. If you don’t have a striker with pace, you can’t play very, very deep. If you have wingers with pace? Maybe. You can manage with a different game plan.

    In Salomon Rondon we had a centre forward who could hold the ball, and people who moved very quickly to support him. In wide areas, we had players who gave us the option to move the ball to the wings and deliver crosses. Because of the way they play, the best way for City to defend is to regain the ball early. So if you can bypass the first wave of pressing, you find yourself with more space. The important part is to make sure that when they press, you don’t make mistakes, because that’s when they can kill you.

    Can you win against them? We proved it but it was also very difficult. And that task does not get any easier.

    Every year they’re getting stronger, and every year they work out how to attack the opposition. As a coach, you watch them and play against them, so you know how to attack them, but they know and watch too, and they’re incredibly talented.

    I was was very proud about Newcastle’s 2-1 victory that night because it came against a really good team, but that doesn’t mean I was happy to play that way. I had to do it.

    I enjoyed it more when our Liverpool side were beating Real Madrid 4-0 (in 2009) and we were on top of them all the time; for sure, I was happy with that. But in terms of preparing, commitment and following the game plan, it was a massive win for Newcastle. If you don’t do those things, you will be battered by them.

    There were moments when our tactics were criticised at Newcastle but it’s always about the tools you have. As a manager I have worked with teams that have scored and created a lot of goals, and I like to do that, but your job is to get the best out of your players. In the end, most of our fans appreciated that we finished 10th (in 2018) and then 13th (last season), and that was the time to then move forward and go one step further.

    Sometimes you have to adapt. If you keep losing and don’t change, then you won’t get different results.

    And you cannot keep losing 3-0, 4-0, 5-0 and think, ‘Oh, this is nice because we’re playing an open style.’ No, what the fans want is to win and with this in mind, you have to play as best you can.

    You have to make sure that your players trust you and know that, to achieve something, you have to achieve it together.
  • Markelo
    Dolaze žabari u velikom broju. Sad kad im Dinamo skine junf odma u prvom nastupu u ligi prvaka
  • Salva
    Veci je gust navijati kad nekog ima na jugu nego kad zjapi prazan, tako da nemam ništa protiv ispunjene gostujuce tribine, bar ce navijanje na Sjeveru biti razinu više.
  • dzg7
    Zapad dolje vec rasprodan
  • Markelo
    Ulaznice od 300 kuna otisle u 20 min. Zanimljivo
  • reziser

    Nije ih bilo puno u prodaji. Puno godišnjih pa sponzori...
    Sam mi nikak nije jasno za kaj ne kupuju online neg čekaju u redu... Misterija
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