Since retiring from football, Boban, always known to be a literary man, completed his history degree at the University of Zagreb. He graduated from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb in 2004, with a thesis named "Christianity in the Roman Empire"
On 30 May 2016, Boban was appointed FIFA's Deputy Secretary-General, focusing on developing the game and the
organization of competitions
On 14 June 2019, after three years in office, he resigned. FIFA President Gianni Infantino had words of thanks for the Croatian: "I cannot thank Zvonimir enough for everything he has done for FIFA and for the game of football over the last three years by our side. Nobody embodies football better than he does and he has always worked for the good of the game. Many of the positive changes that we have made over the last three years could not have been achieved without Zvone. He has shown the same commitment, heart, and passion at FIFA that characterized his attitude on the pitch. We will miss him a lot at FIFA."
n June 2019, Boban resigned from his FIFA job to return to his former club AC Milan where he was hired as a Chief Football Officer, the closest cooperator of the club's technical director Paolo Maldini.
In April 2021, Boban was hired by UEFA as the Chief of Football, first ever person to hold that position
Čovjek radio na najvećim operativnim poslovima u FIFAi i UEFAi, i onda kao nije kapacitet za Dinamo.
Kada jedan predsjednik FIFAe kaze da ce im nedostajati, ali mi ga nebi jer eto nije kompetentan.
Covjek je prepoznatljivo ime u svijetu nogometa, radio na najvecim pozicijama. Sudjeluje u razvoju nogometa, završio i fakultet nakon toga, inteligentan je. Svi ga traze da im bude strucni komentator.
Uz to, jedan od najvecih dinamovaca.
Nebi trebao biti sportski direktor, skaut ili trener. Ali funkcija predsjednika, pa cak i predsjednika uprave bi bila savrsena za njega. Ne vidim tko bi bio bolji izbor od njega.
Uz to je jako karizmatican i rodeni lider. Privlaci ljude oko sebe na pozivtivan nacin. Totalno suprotno od onoga sto ljudi najcesce zamjeraju Zajecu da nema takta i takve karizme, ili Biscanu da nije imao energije i karizme.