• Imamo Dinamo

    Od srca se nadam da nije.
  • Kepec
    Video Petkovog gola uz opis: Pogodak Brune PeRkovića iz objektiva naše kamere.
    Možda slučajna greška a možda i najava povratka Maura Perkovića u prvih 11. S Dinamom nikad ne znaš.
  • Krizy
    Odlično tempiranje za preuzimanje prvog mjesta uskoro :cool:
  • KlasicZg

    Klub dogovorit s Varteks tvornicom, ili nekom drugom, par stotina plavih košulja s malim slovom"d" i odmah sutra stavit u shop po atraktivnoj cijeni za gostovanje protiv Judeša
  • rob ljubavi

    E sad, uz ulaznicu od 15 eura jos da ce ljudi dat 60 na kosulju...a nije ni previse plava :D

    To treba neki jednokratni šrot, čisto fore radi pa da svi imaju
  • Krizy
    Cijela ekipa :strong:

    Sosa, Perković, Bernauer, Marin, Jurić, Kulenović, Perić, Šutalo, Menalo, Špikić, Sučić

    Ljubičić, Kaneko, Mihajličenko, Petković, Zagorac, Nevistić, Rajić, Emreli, Stojković, Ademi

    Drmić, Halilović, Moharrami, Mišić, Ristovski, Jakirović, Vidović, Baturina, Bulat, Rukavina, Kačavenda
  • Dadinho10
    dobra slika. Samo Ademija su trebali bar umjesto Emrelija.

    Ili Aki i Petković pored profe.
  • Krizy
    Odličan tajming :cool:
  • SAS1987
    Nije previše u detajle ali samo toliko da se dobije osječaj što klub treba napraviti ako želi povečati prosječnu gledanost.

    Emocionalna konekcija (ili team identification) je odnos navijaća i kluba. Što veća emocionalna konekcija to veća prosječna gledanost i merch sales.

    Emotional connection

    GNK Dinamo Zagreb is not building any emotional connection with the fans. Club is focused only on winning and not also on fan engagement.

    That resulted in an extremely low average attendance of just ~5 000 fans in the domestic league. In the past the club was trying to buy fans' loyalty and higher attendance with cheap or even free tickets. Club is giving fans a “sales treatment” and does not understand fans' needs. Positive exception is the treatment of the fans with disabilities.

    Points of difference

    GNK Dinamo Zagreb is a club with a unique and distinctive history which should be used for building identity and fan engagement. Some points of difference are:

    • Croatian national symbol in the former Yugoslavia
    • It is widely believed that war for independence of Yugoslavia symbolically started on the Dinamo stadium on 13.5.1990 in the never played match Dinamo Zagreb - Red Star Belgrade
    • One of the rare winners of any European cup from the region (winners in 1967, runner up in 1963)
    • ...

    Location and fan base:
    • It is probably the most recognized symbol of the city of Zagreb.
    • Only big football club in the city of Zagreb and a wider area. Unique opportunity to create a huge fan base. Supporters of other Zagreb sport clubs such as Cibona, Handball club Zagreb, other city football clubs, etc. are mostly Dinamo fans. Competition from other clubs and sports does not exist.
    • Old stadium is a huge problem but the club is supported by one of the best ultras groups in Europe who generate an unique, excellent atmosphere.

    • One of the best youth academy on the world
    • The only club in the country who regularly participate UEFA competition group stages
    • Excellent european and domestic results

    Club have excellent “points of differences” which should be used for defining a club identity and its values. Strong identity and values are preconditions for building a strong emotional connection with the community. Due to the historical reasons, the club 's fan base is very segmented also by the geographic regions. Club has local fans (city of Zagreb and surrounding), fans who live in other parts of Croatia and a strong fan base outside Croatia (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Germany, Austria, Slovenia, etc). There is also a segment of fans who live on other continents such as the USA or Australia.

    The most important segment are people who live in the local community because they are the only ones who can fill the stadium on a regular basis. In order to build strong emotional connections to them, the club needs to define strong local community related values and be present in everyday life.

    Fans who live far away from Croatia will not be able to participate in the matches but they still should be considered as a fan base segment. Club need to find a way to emotionally connect to them and how to satisfy their needs such as official recognition, merchandise sales and so on.

    Dynamic Organisations / Service Excellence model

    In former Yugoslavia, Dinamo was known as a Croatian national club and people were identifying as Dinamo fans because in this way, they could express themselves as Croats. And that was club core DNK value. After the breakup of Yugoslavia there was no need for such an identity and together with other changes such changing the name to NK Croatia Zagreb club rapidly lost its own identity. Even thirty years later, the club didn’t clearly define a new identity. Club exists only for the winning purpose. Clubs do not have clear defined values and for this reason they are not understood and practiced.

    Club does not have any engagement related vision and the club uses only push communication with the fans. Surveys or any kind of feedback are not welcomed by the club. In the past it was very common that fans' questions were completely ignored and fans were banned on club official social media profiles. Club did not open any communication channel or process for a continuous dialogue with fans in order to segment the fan base and understand what drove their engagement.

    Another problem in the organization is lack of agility. It seems that any positive changes in relationship to the fans are just a result of media pressure and not the result of healthy dialogue with the fans.

    In the chapter “Points of difference” we point to the areas where we should search for the club identity and values. But it is not enough to define the identity and the values, club leaders must make those values and identity as part of club everyday life. If a club wants to build an emotional relationship with the community, the club must define the right values, represent them without exception and mirror them to the community.

    Positive example: Club official mascot is the lion and a positive example from the feature was club sponsorship for the rebuilding of lion facilities at city ZOO.

    One of the most important values for the club must become listening to the fan voice. Club must define communication channels for a continuous dialogue with fans. This can be done using existing fan related platforms such as forums and also with holding live meetings with the defined fan group representatives.
    It would be wrong that the club board would define club values on its own and try to influence values to the fans. It must be vice versa. Club need to listen to the voice of fans and define values.

    Defining identity and values should be used for building emotional connection. 10 years ago one of the club's unofficial fan groups made a video campaign where club legends were also asked the questions “What Dinamo means to you? Answers were very emotional and intime which raised the emotional connection for the club to video watchers.

    Similar approach was used in the biggest club related unofficial online community zonadinamo.com where forum members answered the question “My story - Why I love Dinamo Zagreb”. Again, testimonies are very intimate, emotional and unique. But out of those unique stories you can find the strong and shared values which should be used for defining club identity.

    Club should launch an official video campaign where they would ask similar questions to present players, former players, notable fans and regular fans. Not only that they would understand in depth fan club related values but it would also heavily increase emotional connection to the club.
  • mokoxax468
    krivi kanal
  • SAS1987
    krivi kanalmokoxax468

    Jbg, dogodi se :lol: :lol:
  • mokoxax468
    Haha, sorry, nisam mislio na tvoju poruku, nego sam editirao svoju i stavio krivi kanal, jer sam ja pisao u krivoj temi, bilo je oko dinamovog dresa
  • SAS1987
    znam da nisi mislio na moju poruku :lol: Moj je odgovor zajebancija, tko skuzi, skuzi :rofl:
  • Krizy
    Slovenac, zajeban si igrač :rofl:
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