• SAS1987
    Proposal 5: Increasing match day experience and average attendance

    Match day experience can be increased by embracing positive things (gains) and by
    detecting and improving supporters' pains (obstacles, problems, etc). The most efficient way
    to detect pains is with repetitive qualitative and qualitative research (survey and open

    Quantitative research and qualitative research were already done on zonadinamo.com (link
    below) with the following main outcomes:

    1. 94.8% of supporters who visited the match at Maksimir stadium were satisfied with
    the experience immediately after the game
    2. eTicketing works great (the issue to resolve is to enable access to the stadium
    without a printed ticket - introduce ticket readers)
    3. View from stands is good
    4. Public transport works great

    5. Entering the stadium is painful because of long queues (NOTE: Already improved to
    some point)
    6. Stadium cleanliness is terrible
    7. The club store on the match day is not good enough because long queues
    8. Food and beverage offerings on the match day are not good enough because long

    Action plan tasks:
    1. Improve stadium cleanliness
    2. Open more stadium gates when it is needed (half of them are currently not used)
    3. Expand stadium shop
    a. Maybe some kinds of containers or something like those “temporary wooden
    4. Increase the number of food and beverage courts in the stadium.
    a. Queues can be reduced with the introduction of online ordering.
    b. Some clubs offer pre-ordering “lunch boxes” (a couple of hours or one day in
    advance). This way you can offer various, healthy and unhealthy options
    Full journey with result interpretation and discussion can be found on (NOTE: If needed, I
    can also share journey questions and more detailed results).


    Proposal 6: Aftermatch dialogue with supporters

    Do after-match interviews with supporters and ask them about their experience, what should
    be improved, what they enjoyed, etc. The club will receive valuable feedback vital for
    improving the matchday experience and supporters will feel valued (increased emotional
    connection). The tone and brand behind this proposal is “Club care about you”.

    The club should also use those interviews as unique content that can be promoted on social
    media. Just collect supporters' suggestions, complaints, etc, internally discuss solutions, and
    present solutions/results to the public. This will raise public awareness about positive change
    and it will raise emotional connection. After improvement, It would be great to do a video
    interview with supporters and show the general public that things are improving.

    Proposal 7: Club dialogue with the supporters

    The club needs to establish one council group for each fan base segment because each
    group has its own needs. Fans could apply to participate in the council group for specific
    segments and afterward, the club should select (maybe draw) a couple of fans out of the
    candidate pool.

    Membership in this council group would last at most two years. The reason is because new
    people bring new ideas.

    Note: Ultras have established hierarchy and for this reason, I would make an exception in a
    way that they would decide by themself who is going to represent them and what they want
    to discuss.

    Fan base segments:

    1. Families: The most important group for the future, they would probably like to
    discuss comfort, entertainment for the children, safety, cleanliness of the facilities, etc

    2. Regular fans: They go to the matches also to see friends, bond, escape from
    real-world problems, and so on. They would probably like to discuss issues with
    beer and food queues, view of the pitch, etc.

    3. Students: Similar to regular fans, they are often more on a lower budget. Also, they
    like to have more vivid entertainment (e.g. DJ in the fan zone), food, and beer that is
    not so pricey etc.

    4. Elderly: They would probably like to discuss access to the stadium, having seats in
    the areas reachable by not too many stairs, maybe to have an elderly area closer to
    the pitch etc.

    1. Establishment of different council groups (described above)
    2. Monthly meetings
    3. Possibility to attend meetings remotely
    4. Club presidents should attend meetings at least once, or twice per year.
    5. The club captain should be present at least once per year to create two way
    a positive connection between supporters and players
  • SAS1987
    Proposal 8: Audience (building a fan base)

    Studies show that environment (family, friends, and location) is the most important factor for
    developing strong emotional connections. For example, a person who lives in Zagreb is
    more likely to support Dinamo than any other club.

    It is vital to understand that the strongest team identification develops in people younger
    than the age of 16. For this reason, the main focus must be on young people somehow related to
    Dinamo, Zagreb, and Croatia.

    Audiences should be split into following categories:
    1. Primary: People younger than the age of 20 who live near Zagreb and in parts of
    Croatia / Bosnia and Herzegovina with a traditional large Dinamo fanbase.
    2. Secondary 1: People older than the age of 20 who live near Zagreb and in parts of
    Croatia / Bosnia and Herzegovina with a traditional large Dinamo fanbase.
    3. Secondary 2: Croatian diaspora living in Germany, Austria, Slovenia, etc.

    The most engaging content type is video and for this reason, the primary content type should
    be video. Photography should be used only in cases when having an additional sentimental
    value (e.g. iconic photographs or photographs from old events for which video does not

    Content would be adjusted to two audience subcategories:
    1. General: Fans who follow the club briefly and are interested in less complex content
    (matches, transfer signings, match information, etc.)
    2. Expert: Fans who follow the club deeply and are interested in complex content (club
    history, board decisions, youth academy, budgets, etc.)

    The club needs to understand that content with the highest engagement is unique content
    produced by the club because such content can’t be found anywhere else. To increase
    emotional connection content must provide additional value/information about the club's
    past, present, or future. Additionally, content must be adjusted based on fan feedback
    (number of views, likes, shares, etc.).

    There is a lot of potential high-engagement content and the following table presents only a
    small portion of all possibilities

    1. Club official podcast: A podcast where it would discuss the club's past, present, and
    future. Fans would interact with questions. Famous club-related people such as
    former athletes, famous fans, etc. would participate in the podcast.
    2. Board member interviews: At the end of every yearly quarter board members would
    do a presentation about the club's present and future activities. Club members would
    participate with upfront send questions
    3. Best skills and goals of specific athletes or match
    4. Sentimental photographies: Photographies would text descriptions would be
    5. Dinamo on European tour: Videos in the length of 10 – 20 minutes where the club’s
    European opponents would be presented (opponent’s history, past matches, fans,
    stadium, etc).

    Check Barca on Road

    Proposal 9: Local food and beverages
    Food and beverages in the stadium should be adapted to the local cuisine and weather
    conditions. E.g., when it is cold, more hot beverages should be offered (e.g. hot chocolate
    for kids). Also, local cuisine would increase emotional connection (e.g. štruklji, local beer
    brand, etc). Include healthy food (especially for the kids)
  • SAS1987
    Proposal 10: Family fan base segment

    Studies show that most of the fans develop emotional connection with the club until reaching
    the age of 16. Children are future fans and with each child on the stadium club recruit at
    least one adult.

    Proposed vision of family engagement strategy is following:
    1. Recruiting
    - Marketing campaigns targeting families with children younger than 20 (Web, Schools)

    2. Tickets
    - Kids get a voucher for first time visit, parents must pay (voucher value could
    be simply deducted from a family ticket price)
    - Onsite: Special ticket office queue just for families

    3. Outside the stadium
    Family fan zone
    - Only children and their family could access it
    - Engagement for the children so parents can relax
    - Club official mascots
    - Healthy snacks and beverages for the kids

    4. First time visitors informations and benefits
    Club official website enhancements:
    - First time visitors information
    - Parking and public transport to the stadium
    - When to arrive to the outside of stadium and recommendation
    when to enter the stadium
    Engagement video (vlog) of the whole experience.
    - Representing family experience
    - What can they expect in the family fan zone
    - First time visitor benefits, e.g. meeting a player, club legend or getting a picture with an autograph of
    his favorite player, etc.

    5. Entrance
    - Special entrance just for families

    6. Inside the stadium
    - Special family area.
    - Children can get easily bored and it is less likely to be bored if they are
    together with other kids. And also parents can be more relaxed and enjoy the

    7. After the match
    Family engagement related surveys about the match day experience must be
    sent to participants within 2 hours after. Results must be analyzed and family
    engagement strategy adapted as soon as possible.
  • SAS1987
    Proposal 11: Emotional connection with oversea supporters

    There is a large community of Croats all around the globe who are emotionally connected to
    their homeland and probably also to Croatian biggest football clubs. In the 80-tis Dinamo
    organized a tour to Australia which was a great success. In those days, schedules are very
    tight and for this reason it was hard to organize such a tour but there are other things that
    club should do.

    Club should do the following strategies for engaging overseas fans (e.g. Australia)

    1. Emotional connection
    - For overseas fans club should enforce values that resonate with national
    identity (that is already in club identity)
    - Doing interviews with overseas fans
    - Do the overseas membership program. Officially recognize and support their
    fan clubs, mention them on social media, and give them special recognition
    before the match or at halftime (the speaker could mention several members
    in Australia, etc),.
    - Do the regular online meetings where also some of the club recognize players
    would be present
    - Former club players that come from overseas (e.g. Marko Viduka and Joe
    Šimunić from Australia) could help the club build emotional connections with
    overseas fans.

    2. Merchandise
    - Providing them easy and fast access to club merchandise

    Proposal 12: Friendly and proactive staff

    Stadium staff need to be educated that they are an important part of the matchday
    experience. Fans, especially families and kids must feel welcomed and therefore staff must
    be friendly and proactive

    Proposal 13: First time visitors lifetime memories

    The most important part of building high average attendance is Retention (make sure that
    fans return for the next match) - It is much easier to convince people to visit more matches
    after they have already visited at least one.

    Therefore it is vital to create lifetime memories for first-time visitors (especially families and
    kids). Such visitors will not only return but will also become club advocates and convince
    other families to join them next time.

    This can be achieved in many ways such as:
    1. Introduce a “Certificate” for first time visitors
    2. Create lifetime memories for kids such as allowing them to help set corner flags
    before the match,
    a. Players that are not playing should be with the fans. Signing autograph before
    matches, talk, etc
    3. Collect first-time testimonies (kids and their parents), share them and inspire other
    families to attend the match

    Proposal 14: Club history

    Due to the old stadium, the club does not have its own museum (probably the museum could
    be somewhere around the stadium or in the city center).

    Anyway, the club could create a series of (5 - 10 minute) long video series about the club's
    history. Different club-related historians, journalists, notable fans, former players, etc. could
    represent their anecdotes and historical facts - Such unique, educational videos are always
    interesting and would create a deeper emotional connection with the club
  • Mali dioničar
    :clap: :clap: :clap:
  • miro
    @SAS1987 koliko vas luđaka ima na Zoni, mogli bi ovi u klubu outsourceati i Marketing i IT :clap: :clap: :clap:
  • SAS1987
    koliko vas luđaka ima na Zoni, mogli bi ovi u klubu outsourceati i Marketing i IT :clap:miro

    Mogu nam outsourcati i posao glavnog trenera :lol:
  • serbus

    Jao Sas kaj dosadilo ti je biti omiljen na zoni pa želiš da te malo tračamo i uputimo ti ne baš lijepe riječi nemoj u trenerske vode oni ovdje najgore prolaze. :) :)
  • SAS1987
    Jao Sas kaj dosadilo ti je biti omiljen na zoni pa želiš da te malo tračamo i uputimo ti ne baš lijepe riječi nemoj u trenerske vode oni ovdje najgore prolaze. :) :)serbus

    Samo mi daj trenerski ugovor da možemo poceti razgovarati o raskidu ugovora i otpremnini :lol:
  • Jurki
    Samo mi daj trenerski ugovor da možemo poceti razgovarati o raskidu ugovora i otpremnini :lol:SAS1987

    Jel trebas mozda managera? :rofl:

    Bravo za onaj opsirni post. Stvarno sve u detalj objasnjeno.
    Ajd cak nisi spomenul Savudriju.. pa ti je to jos jedan plus. :rofl:
  • igorvg1989
    Prijedloge treba proslijediti prema klubu, super su to stvari :)
  • SAS1987
    Jel trebas mozda managera?Jurki

    Mislim da bi mi više trebao tjelohranitelj :lol:

    Ajd cak nisi spomenul Savudriju.. pa ti je to jos jedan plusJurki

    Savudriju cemo dogovoriti za šankom :lol:
  • jedan u nizu
    da @SAS1987 bude trener, mozemo ocekivati da bi igraci poput Vipotnika i Šeška završavali u dinamu.

    Kako Bjelica za sobom stvara hrvatsku koloniju, tako bi u dinamu imali puno slovenskih talenata :D
  • serbus

    Da i onda bi vizionarski stavio Vidovića na beka pa bi porcija krenula :rofl:
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