• Sajla
    Također jučer bio u Ilici, vrlo ljubazne i uslužne prodavačice, jako pozitivno iskustvo.
    Dok sam bio tamo cca trećina kupaca su bili stranci, posebno mi upao u oko Škot u jakni Celtic Glasgow, bio s dvoje djece, mali je inzistirao da odmah obuče naš dres i takav hoda po gradu :) Baš treba pojačati ponudu za djecu jer mislim da bi ovaj ostavio bar duplu svotu da je samo imao veći izbor.
  • NKDZ86
    Kud ste svi jučer bili, danas vam je 20 posto na sve kaj nije sniženo!
  • Paggini
    Kud ste svi jučer biliNKDZ86

    Jučer su davali svojem voljenom klubu 20% više novaca!!!
  • Sajla
    znam za popust, ali išao sam ciljano kupiti nešto što je već sniženo. ionak od 15% popusta sa članskom do 20% nije predaleko ;)
  • NKDZ86
    Aha to namjerno, ok :)
    Ja govorim za ove koji su tankog novčanika, vjerujem da bi svi dali sve svom klubu, al neki nemaju
  • mlinchica
    Ček, kaj se sad mjeri ljubav po tom jesi iskoristio popust u shopu ili ne?
  • Mali Zeus
  • Krizy
    Prejaka objava hahahaha
  • Paggini

    Ahahah community manager ovo imao spremno kod prvog ponistenog Mudrazijinog gola hahah
  • Mali Zeus
    Ovo je jedno od polja gdje je ostvaren ogromaan korak naprijed i na ovom polju svakog dana u svakom pogledu napredujemo.

    Onwards and upwards!
  • BBB Mataa998
    Ne znam je li netko pogledao Media Day, posljednji video sto je Dinamo izbacio. Bas me zanima tko su pametnjakovici u blizini koji se za vrijeme izjava Akija i Rileta ne gase od smijeha i price. Mislim ono daj malo profesionalnosti ili paznje,pa nisi za rostiljem na nekakvoj vikendici
  • Izet Hajrović
    jedan je Davorin Olivari, ostale glasove ne prepoznajem.
  • sport
    Davorin Olivari je nepristojna "seljačina"bez pristojnosti prema kolegama koji postavljaju pitanja ni igračima koji odgovaraju.Čovjek je sam sebi dovoljan,postavio pitanje,dobio odgovor,ostalo ga ne zanima.Majstore nisi trebao ni doći jer ionako pišeš gluposti.
  • Crle
    Znači baš pogledao tu presicu i ne vjerujem da debili cijelo vrijeme pričaju dok traje presica. Pa što su dolazili uopće ako ne slušaju presicu i ne zanima ih? Neka odu sljedeći puta na kavu pa neka pričaju a ne da cijelo vrijeme se čuje žamor sa strane. Bas su seljačine bez i malo kulture.
  • SAS1987
    Prije neko vrijeme sam uhvatio mao vremena pa napisao par proposala koje bi klub mogao (trebao) implementirati pa eto, ak nekoga zanima :lol:


    Why do some supporters travel for hours to attend the match while others rather watch the
    game at home or the bar near the stadium?

    There are many factors such as weather conditions, and stadium infrastructure but the most
    important factor is the emotional connection (also known as team identification) between
    the club and the supporter. Supporters with higher emotional connections are much more
    likely to attend the game and buy merchandise at the club's official shop than supporters
    with lower emotional intelligence.

    Engagement strategies are strategies for building an emotional connection and result in
    increased average attendance, merchandise sales, better sponsorship deals, better
    relationships with local municipalities, etc.

    Engagement strategies are typically built around purpose and values - club identity. It
    allows you to find the club's purpose and to base the club on something more than just
    football. But note, that it is vital that core values and purpose are defined together with
    supporters and not by club executives.

    Engagement strategies vital because clubs usually have the following two primary goals:
    1. Sports success on the pitch
    2. Building strong fanbase/community (engagement strategies)

    Proposal 1: Local community

    For developing a strong fanbase is vital for the club to build a strong relationship with the local
    community because only local people can regularly attend matches.

    This can be achieved with:
    1. Physical presence:
    - Organizing events such as “Dinamo u tvom kvartu” or “Plava noč” where local
    people can meet club representatives (some players, club ambassadors, etc).

    2. Online presence:
    - Content with a focus on embracing connection between the club and the local
    community (e.g. former players, a notable fan who grown in this particular
    part of the city)
    - Video interviews with local historians who can present some historical facts
    related to the club and its relation to the local community. Or just representing
    the historical facts of club values (e.g. why was Dinamo important for Croatian
    people in Yugoslavia)

    3. Great relationship with local organizations such as humanitarian organizations,
    firefighters, schools, etc

    1. Millwall: Docker club invites dockers to watch their game on docker day.
    2. AS Roma - Every signing shows a picture of missing children. Using publicity to do
    something great for the (world) community

    Proposal 2: Measuring emotional connection

    It is vital to measure fan emotional engagement because this is the only way to understand if
    the club is moving in the right direction.

    The most used way to measure fan engagement is a survey with only one question:
    On a scale of 1 to 5, how valued do you feel by the club? (NOTE: Also answers 1.5, 2.5,
    3.5, and 4.5 should be offered).

    This is the most universal metric of general fan emotional connection (and satisfaction) and it
    should be repeated a couple of times per year. A survey should be sent to every club
    member and to fans who participated in at least one match the e.g. last season. It is not
    recommended to send it to the wider, general public because we would get non relevant

    Proposal 3: Short video interviews

    Series of video interviews with ordinary supporters, celebrities, and former players with only
    one open-ended question.
    Video interview 1: “What does Dinamo mean to you?”.
    Video interview 2: “What is your early memory of the Dinamo”
    Video interview 3: “What is your memory of the first match that you attended”
    Video interview 4: “What is your happiest (or saddest) memory related to Dinamo”
    Video interview 5: “Why do you love Dinamo”

    Such video interviews not only make lifetime memories for this specific supporter who
    attended the interview but most importantly, also exploit the club's true values and purpose.
    The club should use them to generate unique content interesting to the general fanbase
    (increasing emotional connection)

    Implementation: Very similar to “Nedamo Maksimir”

    Proposal 4: Written testimonies

    It is much easier and faster to get supporter testimonies about their story related to the club
    in text form. The club could collect the most interesting stories and publish them publicly. It
    could even be published as a club official testimonies book, do additional video interviews, or
    something like that. Also, from such testimonies, it is very easy to extract the club purpose
    and values.

    Similar, textual testimonies were already collected on zonadinamo.com

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