• Eduardo
    Ja mislim da će Jurić biti napadač za Dinamomarcio amoroso

    Da, ali možda bolje izgleda kad igra u paru s nekim. Ono što je igrao tih par tekmi nije loše izgledalo. Robustan, jak, prodoran... svakako ima potencijal.
  • Navijač Dinama
    Andrić ne zna ustopat loptu, nit je udarit glavom, dovoljno o njemu kao napadaču govori. Ima lopatu a ne desnu nogu.
  • reziser
    pred hajduk me prala pozitivna vibra, sad me pred ovu ne pere ništ, možda i odigraju dobro :)
    bilo bi mi drago da uđu u EL....
  • The Undertaker
    Igrat ćemo formaciju kao protiv Tottenhama doma. Jednom je upalilo i sad ćemo to ponavljati do besvijesti.
  • De Oliveira
    Livakovic- Moharami, Lauritsen, Sutalo, Stefulj- Ivanusec, Ademi, Misic, Tolic, Orsic- Juric.
  • Nema zaleđa Mikića
    Mislim da bi trebali podcijeniti West Ham i na teren poslat naše rezerve. Glavne igrače odmarat za bitnije utakmice koje stižu.
  • Nousername
    Sutra treba izac,otvorit se i igrati napadacki nogomet bez obzira na rezultat
  • Krizy

    What are your thoughts on Dinamo Zagreb?

    Well, I believe that Dinamo Zagreb are a huge European club with great history. You only need to see the results against Tottenham last season to see how good a team they are and I know there have been a few changes, but they are a huge name when you say Dinamo Zagreb, everybody knows exactly who you're talking about in Europe.

    So I've got great respect for them because they qualify for European competition most seasons. They've got experience so for us to go and win in Zagreb was such a starter for us in the group. It was a huge part of our building that we could go and win in Zagreb, because of the experience Dinamo has so I see it as a big game, big opponent, big history and we will need a big performance to get another result.

    Bruno Petković is not in London, what do you think of him as a player?

    I think it's helpful that he's not here because he is a really good player. We were very careful of him in the first game. We knew the way he links up play for Dinamo is really important. I think he's one of the big players and obviously one of the Croatian internationals as well but we're well aware that it will also give other players opportunities to come in and maybe they're ready to play and show what they can do.

    Is it going to be a lot of youngsters tomorrow?

    Not a lot of youngsters but we will play some young players and I'm really looking forward to giving some of them their debuts. I'm also excited for them, I'm also nervous for them because I think that's what it is when you give some young players opportunities you're so keen for them to do well and you know their families will be coming to watch them play so from that point of view yes we'll have some young players in the team undoubtedly but we'll have a lot of senior players in the team as well.
  • pencilneck
    Young Boys mrtav hladan dominira na Old Traffordu, stvara prilike kao na tekućoj traci. Živo me zanima kako ćemo mi izgledati sutra na Olimpijskom stadionu.
  • luka modic
    Ostali smo dužni određenim igračima degeneka još iz Zga nadam se da će Ademi i ekipa to ozbiljno shvatit bar u smislu bacanja na glavu.Nakon ovih izjava na tu listu mozemo nadodat i Vlašića.Iskreno drago mi je da nema Petkovića koliko god imao kvalitete čini se lijen,nezainteresiran i nedovoljno srčan za Dinamo.
  • xavier
    Young Boys mrtav hladan dominira na Old Traffordu, stvara prilike kao na tekućoj traci. Živo me zanima kako ćemo mi izgledati sutra na Olimpijskom stadionu.pencilneck

    To "Young Boys" si napisao kao da se radi o Istri. Pa dobili su već jednom United ove sezone, igraju redovito skupine LP ili EL, a United je zaigrao bez De Gee, Maguirea, Varanea, McTominaya, Fernandesa, Sancha, Rashforda, Ronalda...i s puno klinaca od prve minute ili kasnije.
  • Mali Zeus
    Sori na ovakvom noob upadu, ali da sad ne scrolam i tražim, tko je otpao za danas ?
  • Ludovic IX
    ja se više bojim ziheraškog pristupa kao što ga imamo ove polusezone nego west hama.
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