• Bosna86
    Iskreno ako se odradi UFC u subotu, to je to onda.... Poslije njih će svi krenuti... Ako na bilo koji način ta priredba pukne ili se poslije nje netko zarazi, piši propalo za ovu sezonu u svim sportovima
  • ZDS86
    Odradit ce se,sad vise nema otkazivanja.
    Ali bez gledatelja koliko znam kao i u Brazilu sto je bilo pred dva mjeseca negdje
  • deda
    Tri igrača Fiorentine imaju Coronu
  • Bosna86
    Jacare Souza, UFC borac pozitivan dan prije eventa... Cijeli event upitan.... Ovoga se ja bojim i za nogomet, ovom ludilu nema kraja... Od 22 igrača i još minimum 50 ljudi sa obje strane, netko će po inerciji uvijek biti pozitivan... Stvarno je teško biti pametan
    Bundesliga je valjda jedina u kojoj će sve proći ok i koja će se vrlo vjerojatno završit bez problema, testiranja svih igrača brisevima svaki dan. Većina ostalih liga je upitno koliko će pazit.
  • ZDS86
    Odrzat ce se event bez obzira na Jacarea
  • Navijač Dinama
    NBA se nastavlja sredinom 7.mjeseca, 3 tjedna prije povratka ce biti kamp održan, sve utakmice će se igrat u Orlandu ili Las Vegasu(bez publike naravno)
    od početka trening kampa svaki dan će igrači biti testirani na virus, svaki zaraženi ide u karantenu automatski , a nastavit će sve dok neka ekipa ne spadne ispod 7 zdravih igrača u timu.

    sezona 2020/21 će početi sredinom prosinca i trajat će sve do srpnja/kolovoza iduće godine ali će se cijela sezona također igrat bez publike
  • agramZ
    austrijske navijacke grupe su izdale zajednicko priopcenje oko cijele situacije, uglavnom interesantno i u tipicnom ultra' maniru. nije mi se dalo sam prevesti tekst, pa je tekst preveden sa deepl translator na engleski, nisam nista sam popravljao. "ghost games"=utakmice bez publike

    A joint statement of the Austrian fan scenes
    Unfortunately, we are currently unable to live out our love of sport and our clubs in the stadium. None of us like that, but we have to go through it together for a while. We are fully aware of the current exceptional situation - both socially and from a football perspective. However, we are not so sure about this among the decision-makers in Austrian football. One thing is beyond question: the economic situation of many clubs is tense; the majority of professional clubs are reported to be insolvent from September at the latest. In addition, UEFA is exerting great pressure on the national leagues, and the TV partners also have a strong self-interest in continuing to broadcast effective advertising. And many football fans who normally attend their club's home games currently prefer to choose the option of watching ghost matches on TV rather than not watching any matches of their favourite team at all.

    These circumstances mean that the holding of ghost games is being considered by decision-makers as almost a matter of course and without discussion. According to this, football is to be played for an indefinite period of time (in the worst case far beyond the summer) only under exclusion of the public. This option is argued by the officials with fairness and the idea of competition. The conclusion of the Bundesliga and thus the awarding of the European cup places should therefore be achieved by sporting means. However, this fairness does not seem to apply to clubs below the Bundesliga, where promotion and relegation are existentially important - a very transparent excuse. The truth is that we are talking about contracts that contain money - a lot of money.

    Through the "Covid-19" back door, a paradigm shift is currently continuing that began in England in the 1990s: Football no longer takes place for the fans in the stadium, but for television. As a billion-dollar money machine and playground for some empires, which can only continue to exist if it is kept running. "No stopping at any cost" seems to be the general formula these days. The grandstand visitor, the fan, is thus only a finery for the TV broadcasts. The emotions should sell the product better at most, but by no means disturb the transmission and the show. Decisions made by video referees, for example, only have to be comprehensible to the audience in front of the TV - no consideration is given to the emotions in the stadium. Even the artificial creation of stadium atmosphere through fan emotions from the tape (keyword "fan app") mercilessly demonstrates this development.

    Another argument in favour of continuing the league with ghost games is the great interest shown by the public, as it is precisely now that it is necessary for "an important piece of normality to return for the people". The only stupid thing is that in this context, at least in Austria, the cat literally bites its tail. Blinded by the money, the TV rights of the league were, as is well known, shifted to Pay-TV. Again nothing with mass phenomenon and social responsibility. The subscription figures of the rights holder will, however, at least there, make the cash register ring. We congratulate.

    In the last decades, professional football has entered into an unholy alliance of windy investors, TV marketing and dubious player advisors. Even corruption at the highest association level has become the norm. In Qatar, people are constantly dying for a World Cup that not a single football fan wants to have there. From a global moral point of view, there is hardly any leeway left for the football business.

    But also on a national level, the current approach is a fatal signal that is being sent to society. Many areas of public life are still severely restricted, while a conspicuous amount of energy is being invested in training and ghost games of the Bundesliga clubs. Even if it is currently being said on every corner that all this has no effect on other areas of life at all (keyword PCR tests), the fact remains that all other team and ball sports have stopped their championship operations and cancelled their competitions.

    With this special status, which cannot be denied, professional football is increasingly saying goodbye to its base. Yet football is more than ever a worldwide popular mass phenomenon. It embodies precisely this symbiosis between players, coaches and fans, which can ignite an energy like no other sport. Even a number of players and coaches have now critically remarked that ghost games would develop "at most test game character" for them - in awareness of this very nature of football. We can only underline this. Nevertheless, the round leather should continue to roll under sometimes crazy conditions. Players should not enter the stadium together, but should "fight" against each other on the field or wear masks during the game. These are only two examples of absurd ideas that are currently being discussed.

    Another important aspect also comes into play in this discussion: football must be affordable for all social classes. The fan scenes of the individual football clubs have been vehemently advocating moderate ticket prices for years. And this is especially true at the present time, when hundreds of thousands are suffering from short-time work and unemployment. Due to the current situation we have to temporarily adjust our demand: The league, the clubs and all decision-makers must ensure that, during this exceptional situation, every fan can watch all matches without an additional subscription contract with a TV station. For current season ticket holders, this service must be free of charge in any case! The handling should be taken over by those who benefit from the fact that football has been hidden behind the payment barrier, namely the league, the TV stations and the clubs.

    The Bundesliga and the ÖFB must now work together with the government on concepts to enable football to be played in front of stadium spectators as soon as possible in accordance with health and legal requirements. Anything else is just a helpless attempt to keep a previously ill system artificially alive so that business with football can continue for a few. Especially for teams that are not currently playing professionally, ghost games are not even temporarily a sensible alternative. In the third, fourth or fifth league, matches without fans make no economic sense either.

    And as far as ideas of cardboard figures, fan apps or other pipe bursting in ghost games are concerned, we have only one answer: If you want ghost games, you should be presented with them as naked truth. Anything else would not be authentic and must therefore be strictly rejected!

    It is high time to think about the general development of football. Right now is the right time to take appropriate measures to make yourself less dependent on sponsors and TV stations. Perhaps this difficult situation, of all things, is the chance to return to a healthier path. Football must become more independent again and say goodbye to this obviously broken business model. It is time to focus on those who are the real backbone of football - the fans. Our support is assured to the people involved in this project.

    Altacher Jungs – Block West – Fanszene Austria Klagenfurt – Fanszene Ried – Fanszene Vorwärts Steyr – Freund*innen der Friedhofstribüne – Gate 2 Admira – Kollektiv 1909 – Landstrassler – Nordtribüne Lustenau – Stahlstadt Kollektiv – Tivoli Nord – Union ‘99 Ultrà Salzburg – Vienna Supporters – Wolfbrigade 04 St. Pölten
  • Navijač Dinama
    Navijači Borussie Mönchengladbach ce donirat svako po 20€ tako da budu kartonski navijači prisutni na stadionu..
    Porto je u ogromnim financijskim problemima i bit će kažnjen zbog kršenja FFP-a, a prijete mu i puno gori scenariji.
    Okupljanje domaćih navijača kod stadiona u Bundesligi bit će kažnjeno s 3 boda gostima. Nijemci kakvi jesu daleko ispred svih! Zato i jesu prvi vratili nogomet.
  • deda
    Dinamo Dresden u karanteni dva tjedna
  • deda
    Ak povećaju ovaj broj na okupljanjima sa 40 na 100 još će to biti dosta za HNL
  • deda
    Bundesligaši su od danas u sedmodnevnoj karanteni.
    Početak grupne faze Lige prvaka je najavljen za 20.10.
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