1.HNL 2024./2025. Ne znam jel bilo već, tu na forumu, al sjetio sam se Pirlove knjige i dijelova koje je on tamo pisao u vezi Gattusa... Potražio sam opet i - ako je pola tih priča istina, ja ne znam kako itko normalan misli da on ima mentalni kapacitet voditi ikakvu momčad. Cijele ekipe su se doslovce sprdale s njegovim brzim kopčanjem i govorničkim sposobnostima.
Samo jedan primjer: With him not being a man of letters, or a distinguished orator, whenever Rino opened his mouth the dressing room turned into the Rio Carnival. People would be blowing raspberries, making trumpet noises, doing the conga. Always the same reaction. We'd never let him finish before we started with the p*** taking.
A onda nadjes komentar iz iste knjige o našem talijanu treneru:
In that moment, while we were facing a penalty in the final shootout of 2006, I remembered all the penalty shootouts we had lost in the past few years. I was terrified and couldn't find anyone to talk to, so I hugged Cannavaro and said, 'Fabio, I'm scared.' He didn't respond. We kept watching the penalties, and I said again, 'Fabio, I'm scared.' Still, no response. Just as I was about to say it a third time, he interrupted me and said, 'Shut up, Andrea! I'm about to lift the World Cup in a few minutes!
E točno to je razlika i dan danas izmedju dva kluba!