• Jaro
    yep, 100% moneyball filozofija...
  • ZGV
    imas li bolju sliku clanka?
  • Neki tip
    Riješili. :smile:
  • Eduardo
    evo i ovako ako imate problem s čitanjem slike koju je postavio NTSZ.

  • Mali dioničar
    Brentford je ukinul akademiju,
    zračunali su da se ne isplati financijski, da je rizik skautinga financijski isplativiji u konačnici,
    oni i skauting odrađuju dobar dio softverski, u stilu kolika je vjerojatnost da netko npr. zabije dvije godine zaredom 20 golova

    ...ali je Savez uvjetovao imanje Akademije za klubove ovisno o rangu pa Brentford ponovno ima akademiju. U Engleskoj su akademije rangirane.

    Brentford Football Club has been granted a licence to open and operate an Academy under the Elite Player Performance Plan.
    The Club will initially open a Category Four Academy for the start of the 2022/23 season. The Academy will feed in to the Club’s existing B Team, extending the development pathway for young players.

    With a Category Four Academy, Brentford will have players in the professional development phase of their careers, the Under-17 age group upwards. Brentford FC will have an Under-18 team for the 2022/23 season, playing matches as part of an organised league programme. The Club has entered the 2022/23 FA Youth Cup and is working on delivering teams in a range of competitions this season.

    The Club operated a Category Two Academy from 2012 until 2016 and has had youth teams for long periods of our Football League history. The decision was taken to close the Academy in 2016 in order to focus on a smaller group of players as part of Brentford B. The B Team will continue with their games programme as per recent years and the aim is to further develop the programme without the restrictions of the Covid-19 pandemic.

    There has been a recent change in Premier League rules which means that, by the start of the 2024/25 season, all Premier League clubs must have an Academy at Category Three level or higher. The opening of a Category Four Academy is a step towards eventually complying with the new regulations. It is also necessary to have an Academy in order to gain a licence to compete in UEFA competitions.

    Brentford Director of Football Phil Giles said: "When we achieved promotion in May 2021, we had in the back of our minds that this would have knock on implications for us in terms of operating an Academy. With the standard of First Team football improving, we would need to improve the standard of the B Team. However, Brexit has made recruitment of top talent from overseas more difficult. This applies to all English teams, which means in turn that the competition for top talent in this country has become even more competitive and therefore more difficult too.

    "We also knew that promotion moved us one step nearer to European football, and while we still recognise that it is a big challenge to qualify for Europe, if we did manage to achieve it then we wouldn’t want to be prevented from taking part because of a technicality in the UEFA rules.

    "When the Premier League recently changed its rules around operating an Academy, it became clear that we would have to develop a new Academy plan. As circumstances change, then the Club will continue to evolve and adapt to whatever challenges we encounter, but always with the intention of being the best Club we can possibly be. We are excited by the challenge that re-opening an Academy will bring, with good people already in place to tackle that challenge.

    "Having closed the Academy once before, I want to be clear that we have no intentions of re-opening an Academy with any thought that it should be closed again at any time in future. We want our new Academy to complement and enhance our B Team programme, which we are confident will remain the best way that we can bridge the gap between Academy and Premier League football.

    "We will be committed to running the best Academy that we can. In particular, we will put the welfare of the young people who attend our Academy at the forefront of our plans, with every Academy graduate benefitting from the experiences they gain from their time with Brentford, whether they eventually become a professional footballer or not."
  • ZGV
    Hvala Dudu
  • Bosskovitz

    Gle, ne znam je li ovo pravo mjesto da ti to objašnjavam, ali kad nekome vičeš "cigane" da bi ga uvrijedio, onda to je diskriminacija po rasnoj/etničkoj osnovi jer to radiš zato što vežeš negativna obilježja uz pojam koji označava jednu etničku skupinu. Ne vičeš mu "cigane" zato što je Rom nego zato što misliš da ima negativne karakteristike koje vežeš uz Rome: nerad, kriminal, nasilje i sl.

    Ne pametujem ti, objašnjavam ti pravilo. Svaki put kad vičeš nekome "cigane", "pederu", "crnčugo" i slično - to je za kaznu. Nije kako nekome paše nego je jednostavno tako.
  • NB86
    Zasto oni s nikim tko je u zadnjoj godini ugovoru nisu vec u pregovorima, sta se ceka.
  • Droljo
    Jbga. To je zdrafko rešaval. Sad padnu u nesvjest valjda kad se nešto mora potpisati ili uložiti.. fuj svi zajedno
  • Zagi
    Livaković, Petković, Mišić, Ristovski kraj ugovora 2024. To treba hitno riješiti.
  • Mr Anderson
    Kak znate da se s nikim od ovih ne pregovara o produženju ugovora. Po tome jer Olivari ili Lesički to nisu nigdje napisali?
  • Zagi
    Ne znamo niti je to itko rekao.
    Za par mjeseci ulaze u zadnju godinu ugovora. Vrijeme je polako za takve vijesti.
  • NB86
    Pa ristovski u nedavnom intervjuu i sad misic kazu da bi volili ostat i da se jos ne pregovara

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