Izbori u Hrvatskoj (politika)
Te riječi same po sebi neće ništa pa zašto su onda uopće tu?
Zato što članak 14 kaže
1. Parties shall take, where appropriate, the necessary steps to include teaching material on issues such as equality between women and men,
non-stereotyped gender roles, mutual respect, non-violent conflict resolution in interpersonal relationships, gender-based violence against women and the right to personal integrity, adapted to the evolving capacity of learners, in formal curricula and at all levels of education.
2. Parties shall take the necessary steps to promote the principles referred to in paragraph 1 in informal educational facilities, as well as in sports, cultural and leisure facilities and the media.
Istanbulska nije samo manji pamfletić LGBTQ propagande, ona je puno gore od toga. To je obvezujući međunarodni ugovor koji po svojoj definiciji zahtjeva prilagodbu zakonovodavstva, a posljedično ovakvim stvarima i promjenu obrazovnih sustava.