Brozović je iz Dinama direkt otisao u Inter i uspio, Modriću je međustepenica između Dinama i Reala bio Tottenham. — Špicpapak
Ti si napisao da je glupost za manje pare ga dat u europu nego u arabiju — NB86
Ja bih radije prodao igraca Interu za 15 milja nego nekakvim osrednjim klubovima za 20 jer je renome itekako bitan i za buduce poslove. — Papastrumf
u slučaju zadovoljavajuće ponude — CastAway1986
Skandinaviji — DrawTube
Milan TV is the first Club Channel in Italy to offer 360° programming on all of the goings-on at the Club: press conferences, interviews with players and coaches, Primavera and Women's first team matches. But there's more: quizzes, exclusive and dedicated content for the Rossonere and Youth Sector, as well as a series of formats that bring fans closer to the Rossoneri world.
Milan TV is on SKY channel 230. To subscribe, call 02.70.70 or visit . If you are already a SKY customer, call or go to . The most exclusive content from the Club Channel is also available to watch on DAZN or on Amazon Prime Video Channels, for a price of €3.99 per month with a fifteen-day free trial.
klupski kanali postoje u svim ligama petica — NB86