A rekao nam je Mikić i da japanski nogometaši žele doći u Europu, znaju da Dinamo igra Ligu prvaka i da je odličan klub, ali kad vide stadion, kad vide gdje bi trebali igrati, onda više nisu toliko zagrijani za dolazak...
Ne znam da li smo gledali istu utakmicu?
Ok je lik, ubacaji i izdrzljivost top, brzina ok, grize, ali ima dosta tehnickih manjkavosti.
Ulaz u utakmicu bio mu je ocajan, ali se dizao kako je tekma odmicala.
Na kraju krajeva radi se o nekom japanskom Belupu, run&gun nogometu, dosta ispadanja, losih odluka, katastrofalnih obrambenih reakcija, i bio bih dosta oprezan oko lika.
Sta to Tajland moze ponuditi jednom nogometasu? — Infinity
:cool: puno lipih stvari
Recalling a pre-season trip to Thailand, Hamann writes: "One morning when I was on a sun lounger by the pool, he walked towards me with a bottle of champagne and two glasses on it. It was still only 10 in the morning. I looked up and said, ‘Boss, what are we celebrating?’ expecting him to make the triumphant announcement he was staying.
"He turned to me and smiled that gentle smile of his and took the air of a Buddhist philosopher, as he said, ‘Life, Kaiser. We are celebrating life’. With a glass of champagne in hand he stood and looked out towards the horizon, then spoke in that higgledy-piggledy Swedish accent: ‘You know Kaiser, I like this place. I think I will manage for another five years and come back here and live with two women. Yes. I think I need two beautiful women.’