
  • Modri Šank - Ajd na Pivicu
    Načelnik općine Pirovac Ivan Gulam...

    Mama ljubila morona.
  • Hrvatska nogometna reprezentacija
    Ja bih još dodao božjeg sina, predsjednika svemira i doktora nogometa.Droljo

    Ajatolah penaltika.

    Za ovo se zaboraviloMlađi referent

    Predsjednik Hajduka Hrvoje Maleš na gostovanje u HRT-ov Dnevnik 3 došao je naoružan smiješkom i tripartitnim ugovorom Hajduka, Hoffenheima i Šimunića.

    'Sav bodovni zaostatak koji imamo za Dinamom skrojili su suci. Za nas u sezoni već nisu svirana četiri penala i ovim bijesom ne širimo netrepeljivost sjevera i juga jer to može samo tiranin, a mi smo žrtva.'

    Smatra kako se u Maksimiru Hajduka boje.

    'Za razliku od njih mi imamo dioničko društvo, sinergiju navijača i većinskog vlasnika, transparentno poslovanje i jaku perspektivu.
  • Shop & Web Shop
    Purgeri nema xxl, ni 3xl. Šteta kaj su tak limitirane...xFire

    Nisu limitirane, nego su Purgeri fit :wink:
  • Hrvatska nogometna reprezentacija

    "U stalnoj smo komunikaciji s Markom od trenutka incidenta i kao Klub u potpunosti razumijemo i prihvaćamo odluku našeg igrača koju je donio nakon gnjusnih uvreda kojima je bio izložen u Rijeci na treningu nacionalne vrste u okviru priprema za završnicu Lige nacija.

    Očekujemo da sve odgovorne institucije i javnost u potpunosti osude sve uvrede i prijetnje te zaštite najpopularnijeg i najboljeg igrača i strijelca te najvećeg promotora SuperSport HNL, ujedno i brončanog reprezentativca. Hajduk je uvijek stao i beskompromisno će stajati u zaštitu Marka i svakog našeg igrača."

    Možda za temu HNL ili SOTD

    Poput nojeva zabijaju glave u pijesak zaboravljajući da im guzice ostaju izložene.
  • Transferi - rasprave
    Aggressive defending

    In this section, we will take a closer look at the aggressive nature of Bernauer’s defending, how he uses his pace and power out of possession to help his side to force turnovers and we will provide analysis of some in-game examples of Bernauer’s aggressive defending.


    Bernauer’s quickness is a key element to his game when his side are without possession. It doesn’t take him a lot of time to get tight to an opposition player. This is particularly useful in helping him to close down an opposition player as they prepare to receive possession of the ball, as we can see in this image above.

    Prior to this image, Bernauer was positioned deeper on the pitch, however, as the opposition left centre-back plays this pass into the left central midfielder, Bernauer quickly makes up plenty of ground and applies pressure to the ball receiver, who doesn’t adequately prepare himself to deal with Bernauer’s press.


    Then, just one second later in this passage of play, the receiver attempts to turn and face Concarneau’s goal as the ball reaches him, but Bernauer is already right behind him, ready to prevent the player from taking the ball out of his own half.

    This passage of play shows us how much of an advantage Bernauer’s pace and aggressiveness can give his team without possession of the ball. The midfielder can occupy a deeper position, as he did on this occasion, and still make up the ground to an opposition ball receiver positioned higher up the pitch, allowing him to provide cover over a greater surface of the pitch in a situation like this thanks to his pace, as well as his anticipation and ability to know when the right time is to press the opposition player. This may give us an indication of why he engaged in so many defensive duels, last term.

    However, his aggressiveness is not entirely positive, as it can result in him giving away unnecessary fouls. On this occasion, a foul was given against the midfielder, after he entered into this challenge at great speed, which potentially prevented him from timing the tackle better.

    On many occasions, Bernauer is still successful as he engages the opposition in these types of aggressive challenges and he won 54.8% of the high number of defensive duels that he engaged in per 90 last season, indicating that more often than not, the pace and level of aggression at which he entered into challenges didn’t prevent him from using correct technique and timing the challenges well in order to avoid giving away a foul or, perhaps worse still, simply being beaten by a crafty opposition dribbler.

    So, while there may be some room for improvement in terms of Bernauer’s ability to time his challenges better, more often than not the aggressive defender does a good job at winning the ball back, while still moving at pace and challenging for the ball aggressively.


    During the opposition’s build-up, Bernauer advanced his position out of the midfield at times last season to press higher up the pitch. We can see an example of this in the image above. During this passage of play, the opposition had a 3v2 advantage at the back versus Concarneau’s two centre forwards and this made it more difficult for Bernauer’s side to win the ball back from them high up the pitch.

    As a result, Bernauer waited for the opposition to play the ball to the closest one of those three players to him and utilised his pace to press higher up the pitch, joining the two centre forwards.

    The 22-year-old was not quick enough to intercept the pass or to challenge for the ball as it arrived for the opponent on this occasion, however, his press was successful at preventing the opposition from building out from the back as this ball receiver was forced to quickly play the ball backwards in order to avoid being caught in possession by the midfielder.

    This particular passage of play shows us another aspect of Bernauer’s game out of possession, which is his willingness to press high up the pitch, at times joining his team’s most advanced players, in order to press the opposition and prevent the ball from being played forward.

    Just after this player played the ball back to the defence, Bernauer halted his press and retreated to his previous midfield position, showing that while he was happy to press high, on occasion, again, he did retain some level of discipline and didn’t simply press for pressing’s sake – avoiding leaving his team vulnerable in other positions.

    Napomena - odnosi se na period kada je igrao u vezi
  • Hrvatska nogometna reprezentacija
    Žao mi je što netko odmah ne lupi kompilaciju svih njegovih sranja...NORTE

    Tesko. Lik je radio sranja gdje je stigao, ali samo na jednom mjestu mu se zmirilo na to.

  • Hrvatska nogometna reprezentacija
    Moglo je i gore. Npr da su ga natjerali na polaganje vozackog.
  • Hrvatska nogometna reprezentacija
    Koliko su ga ono kaznili za pivanje
    sa subasicem?!
  • DRES Dinama - nekada, sada i ubuduće
    Dugo trazim retro dres sa bijelim rukavima, ali nista jos ne nadjoh.

    Mislio sam sivati grb Gradjanskog, sa sirim obrubom samo je minimalno 20-30kom.

    Ovo mi se cini kako dobra ideja.
  • Modri Šank - Ajd na Pivicu
    Culi ste ovu obradu?

  • Modri Šank - Ajd na Pivicu
    Manijaci odavno, odnedavno cujem i da velezovci to pustaju i pjevaju — Nino Bule

    Da, i navijači Želje također uz ove dvije...

  • Modri Šank - Ajd na Pivicu
    ekvivalent tome mi je da Dinamo preuzme pjesmu od Liverpoola "You'll never walk alone" i da to pjeva na svojim utakmicama.Fanboy

  • 3. HNL jedinstvena (2. Nogometna liga)
    Bilo bi poetično kad bi Sesvete upale u 2. ligu kao naša filijala od iduće sezone preko Barine Kustošije.Captain America

    Upadaju mimo Barine Kustošije. Okrenuli sa igracem manje.
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    Ajme meni nije mi dobro
