• Europski koeficijent
    Evo što Uefa kaže:

    Article 18 Equality of points – league phase
    If two or more teams are equal on points on completion of the league phase matches, the following criteria are applied, in this order, to determine their rankings:

    a. Superior goal difference in the league phase
    b. Higher number of goals scored in the league phase
    c. Higher number of away goals scored in the league phase
    d. Higher number of wins in the league phase
    e. Higher number of away wins in the league phase
    f. Higher number of points obtained collectively by league phase opponents
    g. Superior collective goal difference of league phase opponents
    h. Higher number of goals scored collectively by league phase opponents
    i. Lower disciplinary points total based only on yellow and red cards received by players and team officials in all league phase matches (red card = 3 points, yellow card = 1 point, expulsion for two yellow cards in one match = 3 points)
    j. Higher club coefficient (see Annex D)
  • Europski koeficijent
    Jurki je u pravu, igraš sa po dvije ekipe iz svakog pota...
  • Europski koeficijent
    Ne znam jel prati netko tko je sve osigurao Ligu prvaka iduće sezone?
    Uglavnom od klubova koji su osigurali, njih 8 ima manji koeficijent od Dinama (Aston Villa, Bologna, Brest, Celtic, Girona, Monaco, Sturm i Stuttgart).
    To bi značilo da, ukoliko se Dinamo kvalificira, još samo jedan klub s manjim koeficijentom mora ući da bi Dinamo bio u 3. potu...
    A onda makljaža sa svima u 8 utakmica za prolazak dalje. :sweat:
    Znam, pravim ražanj dok je zec još u šumi, al Bože moj, kad je Dinamo u pitanju onda je dopušteno malo sanjati :rofl: